Bulletin Board

(Re)animation of “Wohnstraßen” (residential streets)

  • Posted on: 28 October 2020
  • By: Anna Solderer

Since 1983, the Austrian road code includes a paragraph about residential streets, in German called “Wohnstraße”. On these streets, children are explicitly allowed to play on the street and car traffic is only allowed in walking speed. There are currently 21 “Wohnstraßen” in Graz but not all of them are played on by children. On some of these streets, the original usage is not in the minds of the residents anymore, as children grew up and moved away. Therefore, “Wohnstraßen” have to be reanimated.

Ruas amigas das crianças - como e porquê? 2

Portugal (Atenção 15h hora local)
Fri 30.10.2020 16:00

Neste segundo webinar Ruas amigas das crianças - como e porquê? 1/2 iremo-nos debruçar sobre projectos práticos que potenciem a transformação de ruas de forma a que se tornem mais amigáveis de todos - principalmente das crianças.

Falaremos do projecto Metamorphis que agora termina e dos seus recursos. E dos projectos que a Estrada Viva e os sócios têm realizado com a comunidade Escolar e autarquias.

Highlights di Metamorphosis

Bolzano, Italy
Thu 29.10.2020 14:00

Il progetto Metamorphosis ha l'obiettivo di trasformare i quartieri a misura di bambino. Le città partner del progetto, Zurigo, Monaco di Baviera, Graz, Merano, Alba Julia, Southampton e Tilburg hanno sperimentato diverse misure a portata di bambino come soluzione alla riduzione del traffico urbano. Passo dopo passo, le strade vengono rianimate ridando così ai bambini la possibilità di giocare per strada. I parcheggi vengono trasformati in spazi di comunicazione aperti, mentre le strade scolastiche vengono liberate dal traffico automobilistico e restituite ai bambini.

Future workshop with children in Graz

  • Posted on: 21 October 2020
  • By: Anna Solderer

On October 1st, a symposium on the subject “The streets are for playing” took place in Graz. In the course of this conference, the Metamorphosis Project initiated a “future factory” with a school class of the model school in Graz. The schoolchildren created posters on which they could express what they don't like in their city and think about how they envision their ultimate child-friendly city in the future (we called it the “tomorrow-city”). They were then allowed to present their ideas to a fictitious city council and mayor and discuss these ideas.

"Die Straße ist zum Spielen da!" Symposium

Graz, Austria
Thu 01.10.2020 09:00

The street space is a living environment, meeting place, public open space, place of events, and scene of community life. It is also a school forecourt, a way to school and a living space for all those who use the street on foot or by bicycle - especially for children and their families. Therefore, we should not think of the road only as a roadway for motorised traffic. The different categories of roads must be considered and their potential demonstrated. This is why our motto on 1 October 2020 is: "The road is for playing!


Initiatives for a more sustainable mobility system in Graz and Vienna

  • Posted on: 9 October 2020
  • By: Anna Solderer

The Metamorphosis space-transformers offer the opportunity to show how we could use parking space for cars in a different way. The initiatives “MoVe iT” (Graz) and “Platz für Wien” (Vienna) advocate for more space for sustainable means of transportation and less space for cars in their cities. Both initiatives borrowed one space-transformer, which was developed for the Metamorphosis project, to promote that. “Platz für Wien” changes the location of the space-transformer in Vienna every other week.

Toward sustainable mobility - one neighbourhood at a time

Online conference
Tue 20.10.2020 14:00

Metamorphosis, along with the neighbourhood projects Cities-4-People, Sunrise and the related JPI project LOOPER is organizing the Joint Neighbourhood Conference on October, 20th.

The Joint Neighbourhood Conference showcases the processes and results of the four European projects working towards better mobility solutions with people in their neighbourhoods.

Scale-up of neighbourhood activities in Graz

  • Posted on: 2 October 2020
  • By: Anna Solderer

In Graz, the Metamorphosis project focused on the district of Lend. Like in Lend, there are also neighborhood initiatives in the nearby districts of Geidorf and Jakomini. In June, the initiative in Geidorf organized a temporarily street-liberation to advocate for less cars in the city.  For this event they used the Metamorphosis space-transformer and the Metamorphosis cargo-bike to call attention for this topic. On the 13th of September there was another temporarily street-liberation in the course of a street festival in Geidorf.
