Case Studies

Walking Bus

  • Posted on: 29 September 2017
  • By: Anja Grade

Short Summary

Like a real bus, the “Walking Bus” takes a predefined route to school with fixed stops and departures where one after another child board the bus. But the difference is: every passenger is on foot.


More and more parents drive their children to school every morning. This so-called parent’s taxi does not only lead to a chaotic situation in front of the school, but also to a lack of movement and communication for the children.

Transformational Measures and Activities

Cycling rally

  • Posted on: 29 September 2017
  • By: Anja Grade

Short Summary

Children bring neighbours from different cultures together.


In Messestadt Riem, a relatively new district in the East of Munich, an above-average number of people have a migration background. Due to the very different cultures, there is only little contact between the neighbours. From this consideration, the idea emerged for organizing an event which allows a common experience and brings people from this area together.

Transformational Measures and Activities

Kindlint – Child route, Amsterdam

  • Posted on: 26 September 2017
  • By: Hidde Westerweele

A Kindlint (child route) is a child friendly route which connects playgrounds, schools and other locations for children. The Kindlint makes it safer for children to walk through the neighbourhood (without their parents). The first Kindlint in The Netherlands has been implemented in Spaarndammerbuurt, Amsterdam.

  • Posted on: 25 September 2017
  • By: Koen Linthorst

Short summary is an organization which creates 'games' in the public spaces for people to have fun, meet new people, have fun with friends, bring them into motion, and for them to experience their city differently. Also known as Urban Playgrounds, these 'games' can be found at parks, squares, stations and many other various public spaces. Games are designed to match specific themes or 'DNA' of specific cities. Allowing games to be applicable, and hopefully successful, to specific cities.

Tilburg Veilig Naar School

  • Posted on: 25 September 2017
  • By: Koen Linthorst

Short summary

Tilburg veilig naar school is a project which accurately translates into English as, Tilburg safely to school. The project is an initiative taken by the city council and the primary schools of Tilburg in order to approach the theme of safety in regard to children travelling to and from school. Tilburg veilig naar school wants to structurally approach this theme of safety. The approached topics, the ones which Tilburg veilig naar school covers, within the theme of safety are listed below:

Dorpsfeest - Village Party

  • Posted on: 25 September 2017
  • By: Koen Linthorst

Short summary

A village party, referred to as a Dorpsfeest in Dutch, is an annual day that consists of community building. It is basically a day, or a few days, once a year where the whole community is invited (nothing is mandatory) to come and enjoy themselves with the various activities which they can participate in.


  • Posted on: 25 September 2017
  • By: Koen Linthorst

Short Summary

Energiefabriek013 is an energy corporation in Tilburg. The corporation is a cooperation between inhabitants and entrepreneurs which try to find most sustainable forms of energy. Energiefabriek013 provides the opportunity of sustainable energy for Tilburg. As well as this the company gives advice to households about energy management. The company seeks to make Tilburg as green and sustainable as possible.


StadsTuinderij Piushaven

  • Posted on: 25 September 2017
  • By: Koen Linthorst

Short Summary

StadsTuinderij Piushaven is an urban farm which is located really close to the city center of Tilburg, the Netherlands. The urban farm is run by groups of volunteers who farm various fruits, vegetables and spices under the supervision of professionals. As well as this, the farm houses bees, pigs, chickens and Scottish Highlanders. The urban farm invites people to come and join in as a volunteer to get your hands a bit dirty or to their local shop, where they sell the produce.
