The Platzmobil
The #Platzmobil creates space in the city. Space instead of parking. For meeting, sitting, chatting or reading. It can be parked at any parking space because it is a cargo bike. According to the current legislation of the Austrian road code, this is permitted.
From now on, the Platzmobil is in use for #PlatzFürWien and can be visited for two weeks at a time in one place - e.g. in an alleyway, where more quality of life and traffic calm is needed, or at a school, where a car-free school forecourt is missing. The Platzmobil provides a place to stay and engage in discussions. We will also organize small events and debates there and broadcast them online.
Would you like to accommodate the Platzmobil in your Viennese Grätzl for 2 weeks and take care of it? Then write to
"Platz für Wien" is an honorary initiative of civil society that is initiated by citizens and supported by NGOs such as "Radlobby Wien" and "Geht doch Wien". The initiative is advised by experts from the universities TU Vienna and BOKU Vienna, among others.
The Platzmobil is based on the "parking space transformer" of the EU-project Metamorphosis.
video: Constance Steininger
music: Kolkata by Degiheugi