Public street space for everyone

  • Posted on: 20 August 2019
  • By: Sabine Oberrauter
Public parking space transformer in Graz 2019

A bicycle is as a matter of law the only way to an efficient use of public parking spaces - and the size of a bicycle is not restricted. In Graz (AT) this legal grey area is used to elegantly transform a parking space legally without permission. This is realized by simply parking one or two adapted cargo bikes. A space that is normally blocked by a car and therefore is unusable becomes a traffic-free and usable space for everyone.

At the moment the swarming of 7 space transformers in the district Lend (Graz AT) is planned. From there an upscaling of the test environment into further districts are prepared. For a successful implementation, it is important not only to make the space transformer attractive (with sunshades, cushions, etc.), but also to keep it clean and usable for everyone. Therefore the cargo bike-based space transformers are supported by a so-called host. The hosts can be shop owners and restaurants, organizations or persons who live in the district.

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