Scale-up of neighbourhood activities in Graz

  • Posted on: 2 October 2020
  • By: Anna Solderer

In Graz, the Metamorphosis project focused on the district of Lend. Like in Lend, there are also neighborhood initiatives in the nearby districts of Geidorf and Jakomini. In June, the initiative in Geidorf organized a temporarily street-liberation to advocate for less cars in the city.  For this event they used the Metamorphosis space-transformer and the Metamorphosis cargo-bike to call attention for this topic. On the 13th of September there was another temporarily street-liberation in the course of a street festival in Geidorf.

The neighborhood initiative of the district Jakomini also organized temporarily traffic calming. In addition to that, they try to make the districts more livable through another project. They organize one “bench-event” per year where they give away benches to residents for free. The goal is to create more public seating options within the city. So far about 500 benches were distributed to the residents.